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Cremation Urn Necklaces - Necklace urns for ashes

 Businesses / Posted 2 months ago by The Urns For ashes / 13 views

Cremation urn necklaces or necklace urns for ashes are a meaningful way to keep loved ones close. These jewelry pieces feature a small compartment designed to hold a portion of cremated remains, allowing individuals to carry a tangible memory of the deceased. Available in various designs materials, and finishes urn necklaces can be personalized with engravings or gemstones. They offer a discreet, elegant means of honoring and remembering loved ones combining sentimentality with wearable art.

  • Listing ID: 22748
  • Country: USA
  • City: California
Contact details
  • Country: USA
  • City: California
  • 904 E. California Street. Ontario. CA.91761 Show phone number [email protected]

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