Carl Ganz
Businesses / Posted 10 months ago by Data Scientist / 74 views
I am a statistician in Oakland, CA with executive leadership experience, and substantial open-source software contributions hoping to use my expertise in data-driven decision making to drive a positive impact in my community.
My journey began in 2016 when I first used R. I spent several years at the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research as a Statistician becoming one of the first proponents for Shiny in Public Health by presenting my work at the Conference for Statistical Practice in 2017.
Next I helped build a data-driven call center, and eCommerce platform for Good Tree. My work on call center optimization was presented at useR 2022, and I spoke at RStudioConf 2018 about my work scaling Shiny apps.
Today, I work at Evolent as a data scientist working primarily with insurance claims data. In addition, I provide data science consulting for several clients including some large public health departments.
- Listing ID: 20730
- Country: USA
- City: Oakland