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Assured Building Maintenance

 Home Renovations / Posted 3 weeks ago by Blue Paisley / 12 views / New

Assured provides commercial cleaning services for every industry: medical facilities, grocery stores, warehouses, offices, multi-tenant buildings, gyms, restaurants, and more.

We bring 30-plus years of experience and cutting-edge technologies to every job—delivering unmatched levels of cleanliness and service for businesses of every size. From floor to ceiling and everywhere in between, Assured’s unique combination of training and technology gives you a deeper level of clean every time.

  • Listing ID: 26419
  • Country: Canada
  • City: Mississauga
Contact details
  • Country: Canada
  • City: Mississauga
  • 385 Admiral Blvd. #10, Mississauga, OntarioL5T 2M8 Show phone number [email protected]

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