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Launch Your Career: Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Program in 6 Weeks

 Businesses / Posted 6 months ago by arjais / 42 views

Enroll in our Nursing Assistant (CNA) program and kickstart your career in just 6 weeks. Designed to meet the requirements for Florida’s certification exam, our comprehensive curriculum prepares you to excel as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Learn essential skills including patient observation, documentation, and reporting, as well as assisting with daily activities like elimination, nutrition, and mobility. Upon completion, you’ll be equipped to provide compassionate care in accordance with Florida regulations. Gain the knowledge and confidence to thrive in a rewarding healthcare profession. Don’t wait, begin your journey to becoming a certified nursing assistant today!

  • Listing ID: 20164
  • Country: USA
Contact details
  • Country: USA
  •  [email protected]

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